Young women and men in underserved NYC communities need to be
empowered! Through the Mr. & Ms. Teen Destiny Changer NYC
Pageant, you will recognize that your beauty goes beyond the surface,
teaching you to appreciate the richness of self-worth and selfconfidence. Ultimately, we expect you to become an ambassador and
leader with good moral values in your communities.
Our program begins in February 2024. We usually meet on Saturdays
between 1pm- 5pm, but there may be times when sessions may be
held on weekdays. Our sessions are in most cases 1-2 hrs long. For
approximately 6 months, you will be engaged in various educational,
fun, and interactive workshops focusing on financial literacy, sex
education, entrepreneurship/leadership, skills training, and personal
development, all planned to help you to develop a positive self-image.
Additionally, we will provide mentorship, education-based
scholarships for prospective college students, and opportunities for
volunteerism. Furthermore, we would like to take all participants on a retreat to Frost Valley YMCA/ the Ashokan Center or a similar retreat
destination to experience a different way of life and to build team
working skills. To close out the program, on Saturday, July 13, 2024,
you will walk the runway, showcase your talent, receive scholarships,
sectional prizes and display your intellect. Your reign is for one full year.